OZESL/NZESL are pleased to welcome Foodworks Normanton to the growing number of stores adopting Pricer electronic shelf labels. Foodworks Normanton is owned equally by Aboriginal organisation Bynoe Community Advancement Cooperative Society (CACS) and the Gulf Regional Economic Aboriginal Trust (GREAT). Recognising the need to improve store operations Foodworks Normanton were able to understand the immediate benefits ESL’s could bring to their store and had no hesitation in contacting OZESL to bring that to life.
Thanks to the store team, led by Pat Vines, GREAT headed up by Brian Arnold and the team from AUR (Australian United Retailers [Foodworks]) Michael Raupach & Wayne Mason for their enthusiasm, support & wonderful company that made our time in Normanton a thoroughly enjoyable & rewarding one. The result would not have been possible without your considerable efforts.